Acumbamail integration

Popular email marketing tool.

This is the email marketing platform of choice for a lot of users, this is much awaited.


Yes this is much needed!


We need to add users to a list


this would be very helpful to have this asap


This is a must have. I think all most of the top AppSumo deals should be integrated at some point.


They allow API access for their free plan? If yes maybe I can work on this. @abjo @tav @Andrew_Jack @Tiger

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I’ve never been on its free plan to know.
Even if I were, I wouldn’t know what and where to look for it.

Can you sign-up to check if the free plan will work?

Yes please Acumba is very important for us

@PFernandez98 unfortunately it looks like the webhooks and SMTP are not available with their free plan. Let me know if you need any documentation?

Yes please :pray: I need it, thanks a lot!!

I can add you as a team member on my paid plan, let me know if that will work?

Acumbamail’s robust email marketing capabilities could significantly enhance ActivePieces’ automation features. With Acumbamail integrated, users could seamlessly add subscribers to mailing lists, trigger personalized email campaigns based on user behavior, and track the success of these campaigns with detailed analytics. This would empower ActivePieces users to create more targeted and effective marketing strategies without leaving the platform.

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When the integration takes place, hopefully very soon, can you add template ID into the the message?

Yes I would love to see this added. I logged on today and was surprised it wasn’t on the list.

YEs please integrate Acumbamail soon

We need this, please! :slight_smile:

+1 just picked up their Appsumo LTD

+1 - would be a great piece! :wink:

Hello, Everyone,

I conducted initial tests on the Acumbamail API using my free trial account. However, it appears that some endpoints are restricted in the trial version, such as accessing extra fields of a list for adding subscribers. If anyone with a paid plan could assist in developing this functionality, it would be greatly appreciated.


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