Activepieces Tutorials by the community


With the rise of content created by the community about Activepieces, we’d like to ensure that other community members can find this content easily. We’re collecting the content and curating it here.

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Here is a list of Activepieces Tutorials created by our awesome community :heart:

:us: English Tutorials

:point_right: Self-Hosting ActivePieces to Automate Your Life Online by DB Tech

:point_right: Seamless Audio Transcription: Activepieces, Google Drive, OpenAI, and Notion Workflow by Alex Gutjahr

:point_right: Wake Up Text with Contiguity and Active Pieces by Kyle Behrend

:point_right: Why you Should SELF HOST your apps :woman_technologist: #developer #commandline #programmer #coding #technology by warpdotdev

:point_right: ActivePieces: Create GODLY AI Agents For FREE! Better Than Langflow & Flowise!

:point_right: Streamlining 90% Content Generation with Neuronwriter API, ActivePieces and AI Table :hammer_and_wrench:

ActivePieces Tutorial For COMPLETE Beginners (2024) :robot:

:globe_with_meridians: Tutorials in Other Languages

:point_right: (Portugese) :robot: Como instalar e atualizar o Activepieces com Easypanel by Vamos Automatizar


I feel you should create a playlist on your Activepieces youtube channel

and add all these videos to your playlist.

That will make the videos easily visible to everyone who may not be a part of ther AP community.


I will try to create some videos on my channel as well.


Hi, it may be a bit niche but here’s a guide that I wrote on how to host it with docker compose and traefik.
I hope it can be helpful, I’m enjoying the software so far.


Here is one i just made on using REST API with WordPress and Activepieces. It’s pretty easy to push/pull with that API, so i’ll be making some more hopefully soon.

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Good stuff…easy to follow! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Here is part 2 on Automating Google Sheets into ACF Custom Post types and fields with Activepieces: