Google Sheets "Max Rows To Poll" Functionality Gone

Glad to hear you managed to solve your issue!

With ‘output’ I meant this section, but the confirmation that each row gets a separate run works too :smiley:

Hmm interesting. This sounds like a poor man’s, perhaps accidental, implementation of flow-level rate-limiting. This indirect/implicit combination of “batch size” and “batch delay” only applies to polling-based triggers, which I suspect is why the option disappeared for “New Row Added”.

I think a proper implementation of this for all types of flows/triggers would be a great addition to Activepieces. Instead of this implicit relation between polling-based trigger options we could have one universal straightforward setting at the flow-level, something along the lines of “Execute this flow a maximum of X times per Y amount of time”. This would cover all combinations of pieces/API’s and triggers while ensuring the user has a clear view of what’s going on.

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